Centre of Excellence: Computer Science & Engineering (CECSE)

The rostrum to showcase research on Computer Science globally and get an opportunity to learn new techniques via training programs and lectures.


Training Programs



COMPETITION RESULTComputer Science Global Technovation 2021 DISCOVER   |   WRITE   |   PUBLISH 

Sateesh Kourav

Paper Title-  Analysis of high Performance 6-Stage 64-Bit MIPS RISC Pipelined Processor Using FPGA VHDL

Riya Sharma

Paper Title- Diffusion based Low-Light Image Enhancement

Manas Kumar Yogi

Paper Title– Balancing Data Utility and Data Privacy using Synthetic data for Cyber Physical SystemsMore in Top ResultsSahana S KhamitkarPaper Title– IDENTIFYING UNIQUE COLOR USING IMAGE PROCESSINGMr. Asadullah ShaikhPaper Title– ORCA DESKTOP AND WEB ASSISTANTMEDIA PARTNERS